The Bizarre Predictions And Apparent Influence Of Time-Traveling Soldier, John Titor
To most who are familiar with the claims of John Titor, they are nothing but a hoax, either for someone’s amusement, or for potential monetary gain. To those who have studied them a little deeper however, there are some intriguing revelations, and certainly enough to make you at least ponder the possibility that there may be a degree of truth to them – as unlikely as that may be.
In November 2000, intriguing posts began to appear on an Internet discussion forum site, the Time Travel Institute Forum. It read
“Greetings. I am a time traveller from the year 2036. I am on my way home after getting an IBM 5100 computer system from the year 1975. My ‘time’ machine is a stationary mass, temporal displacement unit manufactured by General Electric. The unit is powered by two top-spin dual-positive singularities that produce a standard off-set Tipler sinusoid. I will be happy to post pictures of the unit.”
He would make good on his promise to post pictures. You can see one of them below.
Intriguing Reasons For Returning
According to Titor, a world war had broken out in 2015 causing billions to perish. Small communities had developed amid the ruins and the vast metropolises as well as corporate supply that came with them no longer existed.
The claim of the IBM 5100 computer system made many people pay Titor’s claims a little more attention. He stated his reason for requiring the system was that it featured software that “enabled it to debug older machines” – some of which still existed in 2036. This feature was a secret of IBM through fear of competitors using it to their advantage. This software was confirmed to be true by industry insiders when they were asked of such claims, as were the claims that it was kept secret.
Over the course of the following eighteen months, Titor would make various claims and predictions. Make no mistake about it, a lot of these predictions of the future made by Titor failed to come to pass. However, if in ambiguous ways, a lot of it did – certainly enough to keep the flames of the conspiracy from dying out.
The claim of the IBM 5100 computer system made many people pay Titor’s claims a little more attention. He stated his reason for requiring the system was that it featured software that “enabled it to debug older machines” – some of which still existed in 2036. This feature was a secret of IBM through fear of competitors using it to their advantage. This software was confirmed to be true by industry insiders when they were asked of such claims, as were the claims that it was kept secret.
Over the course of the following eighteen months, Titor would make various claims and predictions. Make no mistake about it, a lot of these predictions of the future made by Titor failed to come to pass. However, if in ambiguous ways, a lot of it did – certainly enough to keep the flames of the conspiracy from dying out.
For example, he spoke of how the Iraq War – still several years away – would be a war started through deception. In a post on the Post2Post Art Bell Forum on 5th February 2001, Titor wrote:
“None of the things I have said will be a surprise. They were set in motion ten, twenty, even thirty years ago. Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?"
Of course, most us are now familiar with the term “Weapons of Mass Destruction” (or WMDs) – or more to the point, the lack thereof, at least on Iraq’s part. The accusation that Iraq under Saddam Hussein’s regime possessed such weapons was the core of the United States and the United Kingdom’s case for the eventual invasion in 2003.
In the United Kingdom, an assertion that became known as the “45-minute claim”, stated that the Iraqi military had the capability to launch these weapons and have them strike their target within three-quarters of an hour. This claim – later all but proved to be false – was key to the launch of the strike against Hussein.
Given the claims of connections to the 9/11 attacks (which were still over six months away), not to mention American foreign policy and the false flag accusations that has followed it over the decades, it is easy to see how and why people make these connections from Titor’s statements.
In the United Kingdom, an assertion that became known as the “45-minute claim”, stated that the Iraqi military had the capability to launch these weapons and have them strike their target within three-quarters of an hour. This claim – later all but proved to be false – was key to the launch of the strike against Hussein.
Given the claims of connections to the 9/11 attacks (which were still over six months away), not to mention American foreign policy and the false flag accusations that has followed it over the decades, it is easy to see how and why people make these connections from Titor’s statements.
At the same time and on the same forum, Titor made another ambiguous claim when he wrote, “Care to share with me how you solved the overheating problem on your space plane?”
What appeared to be nonsense at the time would stand out more two years later when the Columbia space shuttle disaster unfolded in front of the world on live international television. Investigations would later show that a piece of foam had come loose and damaged the left wing of the shuttle upon its take-off. When it re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere, the damaged wing began to burn-up, and in turn caused the shuttle to disintegrate completely.
The videos below are a documentary on the disaster, as well as a look at some of the conspiracies that surround this incident. Whether this is what Titor was alluding to is obviously open to debate.
What appeared to be nonsense at the time would stand out more two years later when the Columbia space shuttle disaster unfolded in front of the world on live international television. Investigations would later show that a piece of foam had come loose and damaged the left wing of the shuttle upon its take-off. When it re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere, the damaged wing began to burn-up, and in turn caused the shuttle to disintegrate completely.
The videos below are a documentary on the disaster, as well as a look at some of the conspiracies that surround this incident. Whether this is what Titor was alluding to is obviously open to debate.
The Divergence Factor?
Titor also made other predictions that have not yet materialized, as well as ones that have not come to complete fruition, but have seemingly taken place at a different time or in different circumstances.
Perhaps before we look at some of these “slightly off the mark” predictions, we should remind ourselves of the “divergence” and the differing realities that result from them. Even if we just think of the vast amount of decisions we make every day on a personal level, and the repercussions from those decisions. Then imagine the decisions that are made each day on a global level, and the repercussions of those. Basically, any small change of tactic or policy, could alter “future events” substantially.
For example, Titor made remarks that the 2008 Olympics would be cancelled “as a result of many conflicts!” Although this didn’t happen, in the run up to the Olympics in Beijing in China, there were increasingly tense protests from Tibetans looking to return the Dalai Lama to power and for them to declare their independence from the Chinese regime. Such was the concern that rumors of boycotts from nations began to spread. You can read more about that here.
Titor also spoke about a breakdown of society, particularly in the United States, which he claimed would itself break down into several separate states. Although this did not take place, it is perhaps interesting to note the growing political and social divisions striking much of the western world today. If there is any credence to Titor’s claims at all, then maybe his following words should be viewed as a chilling warning, when he wrote, “They will be the ones arresting and holding people without due process!”
Interestingly, Titor also claimed that the President of the United States in 2005 – following the breakout of civil war – would be “a Lincoln figure” who although would attempt to unite the country would divide it further. Again, claimed retrospectively years after his claims, many believed that this was a reference to President Obama, who to many brought hope at the start of his presidency – albeit in 2009, four years after Titor stated.
Is this the divergence factor again? While there are obvious inaccuracies, the general premise of Titor’s claims appears to be closer to fruition now in 2017 than ever before. With the election of Donald Trump as the President of the United States, whether for the better or the worse, it signaled a distinct breakaway from “the norm” of the political landscape. And likewise, this shift appears to be occurring around the western world. At the same time, countries such as Russia and China are emerging as prospering super-powers – much as Titor said they would while “the west will become very unstable!”
In fact, shortly after Donald Trump’s inauguration, he was placed at the center of another theory concerning the ever mysterious John Titor.
Perhaps before we look at some of these “slightly off the mark” predictions, we should remind ourselves of the “divergence” and the differing realities that result from them. Even if we just think of the vast amount of decisions we make every day on a personal level, and the repercussions from those decisions. Then imagine the decisions that are made each day on a global level, and the repercussions of those. Basically, any small change of tactic or policy, could alter “future events” substantially.
For example, Titor made remarks that the 2008 Olympics would be cancelled “as a result of many conflicts!” Although this didn’t happen, in the run up to the Olympics in Beijing in China, there were increasingly tense protests from Tibetans looking to return the Dalai Lama to power and for them to declare their independence from the Chinese regime. Such was the concern that rumors of boycotts from nations began to spread. You can read more about that here.
Titor also spoke about a breakdown of society, particularly in the United States, which he claimed would itself break down into several separate states. Although this did not take place, it is perhaps interesting to note the growing political and social divisions striking much of the western world today. If there is any credence to Titor’s claims at all, then maybe his following words should be viewed as a chilling warning, when he wrote, “They will be the ones arresting and holding people without due process!”
Interestingly, Titor also claimed that the President of the United States in 2005 – following the breakout of civil war – would be “a Lincoln figure” who although would attempt to unite the country would divide it further. Again, claimed retrospectively years after his claims, many believed that this was a reference to President Obama, who to many brought hope at the start of his presidency – albeit in 2009, four years after Titor stated.
Is this the divergence factor again? While there are obvious inaccuracies, the general premise of Titor’s claims appears to be closer to fruition now in 2017 than ever before. With the election of Donald Trump as the President of the United States, whether for the better or the worse, it signaled a distinct breakaway from “the norm” of the political landscape. And likewise, this shift appears to be occurring around the western world. At the same time, countries such as Russia and China are emerging as prospering super-powers – much as Titor said they would while “the west will become very unstable!”
In fact, shortly after Donald Trump’s inauguration, he was placed at the center of another theory concerning the ever mysterious John Titor.
Bizarre Connections To Tesla And Trump?
In March 2016, on the evening of the GOP nominations for the upcoming US elections, a strange fork of lightning was captured on film striking the Trump building in Chicago. Before long, theories were roaming the Internet suggesting that the new President of America, had “harnessed that energy to run a time machine!”
As outrageous as this sounds, there is a little thought behind the claim, albeit it is a completely theoretical assertion with no evidence to back it up. It is interesting none the less.
It is claimed that Donald Trump, predominantly through his uncle, John Trump, has connections to controversial scientist, inventor and, to many, genius, Nikola Tesla.
When Tesla died in 1943, his papers were said to have been taken by intelligence agencies. According to records, John Trump – then working as a Professor at M.I.T. – was approached by the National Defense Research Committee to examine these papers. Furthermore, Trump was in possession of these papers “unsupervised” for several days.
Tesla had researched many areas, and had many, many ideas – many of which were outside the norm of “accepted” thinking. While there is no concrete evidence that a time machine might have been one of these ideas, if someone was likely to have done so, it would have been, Nikola Tesla. What’s more, Tesla’s name has been connected to secret time-travel experiments by many people over the decades.
Although John Trump’s final report on the papers suggested that Tesla’s work for the final decade of his life was “speculative” and “philosophical”, many believe in secret, he would research and finance the development of what he read. This ultimately lead to an energy-driven time-machine that the Trump family used to master the election of Donald to become President of the United States, and further to that, the man posting as “John Titor” was actually a time-travelling Donald Trump – or at least someone acting in his interest.
As outrageous as this sounds, there is a little thought behind the claim, albeit it is a completely theoretical assertion with no evidence to back it up. It is interesting none the less.
It is claimed that Donald Trump, predominantly through his uncle, John Trump, has connections to controversial scientist, inventor and, to many, genius, Nikola Tesla.
When Tesla died in 1943, his papers were said to have been taken by intelligence agencies. According to records, John Trump – then working as a Professor at M.I.T. – was approached by the National Defense Research Committee to examine these papers. Furthermore, Trump was in possession of these papers “unsupervised” for several days.
Tesla had researched many areas, and had many, many ideas – many of which were outside the norm of “accepted” thinking. While there is no concrete evidence that a time machine might have been one of these ideas, if someone was likely to have done so, it would have been, Nikola Tesla. What’s more, Tesla’s name has been connected to secret time-travel experiments by many people over the decades.
Although John Trump’s final report on the papers suggested that Tesla’s work for the final decade of his life was “speculative” and “philosophical”, many believe in secret, he would research and finance the development of what he read. This ultimately lead to an energy-driven time-machine that the Trump family used to master the election of Donald to become President of the United States, and further to that, the man posting as “John Titor” was actually a time-travelling Donald Trump – or at least someone acting in his interest.
Interestingly or not, by his own words and those of others, Donald was particularly close to his uncle, and would spend considerable time with him until his death in 1985.
Speculative claims at best most would have to agree, the way the 2016 presidential race played out however, was far from the norm for US elections.
You can read more about these connections here and read a little more about this bizarre claim involving the Trump family here. The video below shows the lighting strike in question.
Speculative claims at best most would have to agree, the way the 2016 presidential race played out however, was far from the norm for US elections.
You can read more about these connections here and read a little more about this bizarre claim involving the Trump family here. The video below shows the lighting strike in question.
A Sudden Disappearance!
The postings suddenly ceased in the summer of 2001. It seemed all indications were, that Titor was prepared to “travel” back to his time. His last post was somewhat mysterious, even for him. It read:
“Bring a gas can with you when the car dies on the side of the road!”
Whether there is truth to any of the claims or not is still debated.
Some links were established to a man named Dr. Larry Haber, a solicitor who had a recent client on his books named, Kay Titor. In a further twist, Kay stated the elusive John Titor was in fact her son. Many believed that Haber was the person behind the posts – particularly when it was revealed that his company (The John Haber Foundation) had released the book, John Titor – A Time Traveller’s Tale. For his part Haber denies that this is case, or that the story and claims of John Titor – the son of his client, Kay – is a hoax.
Maybe it has all been a hoax, or a scheme for monetary gain? Or perhaps the intent was more moralistic than most would think. With this in mind the last words here, go to Titor himself, written in February 2001, he stated:
Some links were established to a man named Dr. Larry Haber, a solicitor who had a recent client on his books named, Kay Titor. In a further twist, Kay stated the elusive John Titor was in fact her son. Many believed that Haber was the person behind the posts – particularly when it was revealed that his company (The John Haber Foundation) had released the book, John Titor – A Time Traveller’s Tale. For his part Haber denies that this is case, or that the story and claims of John Titor – the son of his client, Kay – is a hoax.
Maybe it has all been a hoax, or a scheme for monetary gain? Or perhaps the intent was more moralistic than most would think. With this in mind the last words here, go to Titor himself, written in February 2001, he stated:
“When the day comes for my ‘prediction’ to be realized it will either happen or not. If it does happen, then your ability to judge your environment is crippled by your acceptance of me as a “knower of all things” and gifted with the ability to tell the future.
If I am wrong, then everything I have said that might possibly have made you think about your world in a different way is suddenly discredited. I do not want either.
Although I do have personal reasons for being here and speaking with you, the most I could hope for is that you recognize the possibility of time travel as a reality. You are able to change your worldline for better or worse just as I am!"
Check out the videos below. Each of them look at the stories, claims and accounts of John Titor in a little more detail. The first is a basic overview, while the second is the apparent interview with Titor on Coast To Coast Radio back in 2001. The last video looks at some of the predictions he made. Make of them what you will.
[Marcus Lowth June 2017]
[Marcus Lowth June 2017]

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