Ancient Ritual Cannibalism And The Real Nature Of The “Food” Of The Gods!
We have written before of the intriguing events at Rennes-le-Chateau and more specifically, the priest who presided over the run-down church there between 1885 and 1917, Berenger Sauniere, how he became fantastically rich seemingly overnight, the apparent clues as to the real importance of the region of France and the real story of Jesus and his apparent wife, Mary Magdalene, as well as the mysterious circumstances behind his own death.
So, while we will not go over such matters here, we will examine a bizarre and little-known ceremony that took place the day following his death. And more importantly, the clue that such a ceremony might represent in terms of the true and seemingly suppressed origins of some of the major religions of our modern times.
The Bizarre Ritual Of Berenger Sauniere
We will quote from the book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln regarding this ceremony, which occurred following the death of Sauniere, after another priest refused to administer the last rites following a mysterious confession:
“On January 22nd (1917) Sauniere died unshriven. The following morning his body was placed upright in an armchair on the terrace of the Tour Magdala, clad in an ornate robe adorned with scarlet tassels. One by one, certain unidentified mourners filed past, many of them plucking tassels of remembrance from the dead man’s garment. There has never been any explanation of this ceremony.”
Indeed, at the time there wasn’t a ready explanation for this bizarre ceremony. There are, however, huge clues as to what it might represent. And indeed, consequently, what some of the secrets of the most secret organizations throughout history might have actually been. And quite possibly what that mysterious confession was.
In the book From the Bodies of the Gods: Psychoactive Plants and the Cults of the Dead, author, Earl Lee examines these clues and connections to, as the title suggests, the Cults of the Dead that stretched back likely as far back as known civilizations. Regarding the ceremony involving Sauniere, he writes:
“The act of removing red tassels from Father Sauniere’s corpse in 1917 reflects a rite that is at least 7,000 years old, and perhaps more than 20,000 years old…(it is) older than the pyramids of Egypt… in the ancient ceremonies there were no red tassels, (however). Instead, worshippers removed reddish-colored mushrooms from the corpse!”
And what’s more, as Lee elaborates, “the corpse was not nearly as fresh” as Sauniere’s. In reality, then, the tassels would have been mushrooms, likely psychoactive ones, and would have been grown on the corpses of the “most worthy”, using bodily fluids containing spores from other previous “worthy” corpses to make sacred oils. These mushrooms themselves, now grown upon the decaying bodies, as far as the ancient Cults of the Dead were concerned, now contained the wisdom and even the divinity of the deceased.
The Egyptian Connections Of The Royal Family Of Jesus?
If we return to how the life and death of Jesus fits into all this, perhaps a passage from the Gospel of Thomas is worth examining:
“He who drinks from my mouth will become as I am, and I shall be he!”
Whether there is an allegorical meaning or not is perhaps open to debate. Might it be, however, a mixture of hiding the truth in plain sight as well as misunderstood and twisted interpretations of ancient writings that actually elude to something more direct and to be taken at face value? As we will see in a moment, there are perhaps further connections to be found in the rituals and funeral ceremonies of the ancient Egyptians.
Before we move on to that, however, we should, albeit briefly, examine the alleged and suspected connections between Jesus and ancient Egypt, in particular Heliopolis, which was also the center of the ancient Egyptian mystery schools and, in turn, the far-reaching connections to the Knights Templar and the Freemasons, and how they connect so strongly to the Rennes-le-Chateau mysteries. Indeed, these connections are a conspiracy in their own right, as well as a point of debate and intense disagreement both in mainstream and “alternative” history circles. Incidentally, some claim Jesus himself spent two years in Heliopolis learning the ways of the ancient cults (even then) of ancient Egypt. You can read a little bit more in-depth about this here in one of our contributions to our friends, UFO Insight.
Before we move on to that, however, we should, albeit briefly, examine the alleged and suspected connections between Jesus and ancient Egypt, in particular Heliopolis, which was also the center of the ancient Egyptian mystery schools and, in turn, the far-reaching connections to the Knights Templar and the Freemasons, and how they connect so strongly to the Rennes-le-Chateau mysteries. Indeed, these connections are a conspiracy in their own right, as well as a point of debate and intense disagreement both in mainstream and “alternative” history circles. Incidentally, some claim Jesus himself spent two years in Heliopolis learning the ways of the ancient cults (even then) of ancient Egypt. You can read a little bit more in-depth about this here in one of our contributions to our friends, UFO Insight.
We have also touched on this briefly before in our examination of the Rex Deus conspiracy. And while there are drastically differing views on this very different view of the “real Jesus”, essentially, if we examine them all at arm’s length, a general basic alternative version emerges, albeit with varying off-shoots. We have further examined some of these in our article looking at the conspiracies of Jesus, and the allegorical meanings of the widely accepted story of his life. Indeed, from these varying theories such as whether Jesus survived the crucifixion, if he was married to Mary Magdalene and ultimately, did he father or child (or children) whose bloodline continues today, we arrive back at Rennes-le-Chateau and the bizarre and intriguing ceremony following Sauniere’s death in January 1917.
Essentially, rather than being a lowly shepherd from a poor and little-known family, Jesus was likely born of royalty – possibly Egyptian royalty and certainly of the sacred tribes of Israel – and was the rightful “King of the Jews” and the one who the Jewish community looked to throw off the hated Roman occupation and quite literally free the people from their rule. Essentially, he was, at least through the eyes of a contemporary perspective, a freedom fighter with nationalistic tendencies.
What’s more, many of the accounts and verses in The Bible – perhaps most clearly the raising of Lazarus from the dead – are remarkably in line with Masonic rituals today. Indeed, many researchers point to a connection between the apparent “real teachings” of Jesus before they were twisted for conformity reasons at the Council of Nicea, and the ceremonies and rituals of the Freemasons today, and even of the Knights Templar hundreds of years ago.
Essentially, rather than being a lowly shepherd from a poor and little-known family, Jesus was likely born of royalty – possibly Egyptian royalty and certainly of the sacred tribes of Israel – and was the rightful “King of the Jews” and the one who the Jewish community looked to throw off the hated Roman occupation and quite literally free the people from their rule. Essentially, he was, at least through the eyes of a contemporary perspective, a freedom fighter with nationalistic tendencies.
What’s more, many of the accounts and verses in The Bible – perhaps most clearly the raising of Lazarus from the dead – are remarkably in line with Masonic rituals today. Indeed, many researchers point to a connection between the apparent “real teachings” of Jesus before they were twisted for conformity reasons at the Council of Nicea, and the ceremonies and rituals of the Freemasons today, and even of the Knights Templar hundreds of years ago.
Sacred Cults And Rituals That Go Back Thousands Of Years!
With these threads connecting the Templar Knights, Freemasonry, and the real Jesus to secret ancient Egyptian civilizations in mind, then, it is perhaps also worth looking at the Opening of the Mouth ceremony of the ancient Egyptians. While this ceremony, performed on the corpse after death, is to allow the soul to “become Osiris” and be one with the gods, it also allowed for the emptying of bodily fluids to be drained from the corpse and then used in ritual and sacred oils (remember the verse from earlier - "He who drinks from my mouth..."?).
Earl Lee goes into huge detail on such practices, including the transferring of these bodily fluids from older, decaying corpses, often already containing the “sacred” mushroom spores, to those of the recently deceased.
He also examined the use of the color red as the real traditional funeral color of the ancient world, and most likely why Sauniere opted to be clothed in such a bizarre bright red garment the day after his death. According to Lee “historians and archaeologists have puzzled” why so many corpses of the ancient world were covered in “red paste or red clay before they bury them”. What’s more, this wasn’t limited to random “backward” societies either. The ancient Egyptian funeral ceremonies feature the use of red clay packed around the body.
Interestingly, Lee writes:
Earl Lee goes into huge detail on such practices, including the transferring of these bodily fluids from older, decaying corpses, often already containing the “sacred” mushroom spores, to those of the recently deceased.
He also examined the use of the color red as the real traditional funeral color of the ancient world, and most likely why Sauniere opted to be clothed in such a bizarre bright red garment the day after his death. According to Lee “historians and archaeologists have puzzled” why so many corpses of the ancient world were covered in “red paste or red clay before they bury them”. What’s more, this wasn’t limited to random “backward” societies either. The ancient Egyptian funeral ceremonies feature the use of red clay packed around the body.
Interestingly, Lee writes:
“The practice of painting corpses red is at least 20,000 years old and was common throughout the ancient world. This practice was especially popular from 7.000 to 3,000 BC but slowly died out in Europe as people developed the use of iron. Archaeologists have not yet explained why the increased use of iron tools and weapons is related to the decline of painting corpse red!”
While the sudden decrease in such rituals is likely connected to political or religious change – especially given the volatile times many of these Cults of the Dead lived through – the reason for using red clay or paste is less obvious. However, given that these rituals revolved around seeing visions of the afterlife and speaking with the spirits of the dead, it is not unreasonable, as Lee suggests, that it is a reference to the red-capped mushrooms, one of the most potent in terms of hallucinogenic properties that would have grown in the region.
So just what gave the peoples of these times the idea of growing mushrooms on the corpses of the dead, as opposed to just consuming the mushrooms directly? Once again, we will turn to Earl Lee for his explanation of this seemingly bizarre practice. He writes:
“…a mushroom shaman was buried in a shallow grave and sometime later his corpse was unearthed. It was discovered that his body was covered with dozens of tiny mushrooms. In all likelihood, the clothing of the mushroom shaman was heavily impregnated with mushroom spores!”
Following this discovery, and consumption of the mushrooms, possibly in a sacred potion, the belief likely stuck that the effects were the result of “divine wisdom”. Following the death of those who had taken in such divine foods, they too were used to grow these, literally, “magic mushrooms” on, and then those who consumed them would take their turn upon their death and so on.
What’s more, Lee points to a cave painting in Algeria that shows “the body of a shaman wearing a beelike mask and covered in dozens of mushrooms”. What’s more, this painting is likely over 10,000 years old.
What’s more, Lee points to a cave painting in Algeria that shows “the body of a shaman wearing a beelike mask and covered in dozens of mushrooms”. What’s more, this painting is likely over 10,000 years old.
(Cannibalistic) Food For Thought?
As well as the red color and symbolic nature to the Cults of the Dead, the use of the clay itself demonstrates the advanced knowledge of these ancient people. It would “suppress the natural acids” produced after death in order that the “body could become a host for the mushrooms”. Even more intriguing, this red clay was often “mixed with fat and bodily fluids from older corpses” (remember the Opening of the Mouth ceremony, and the "He who drinks of my mouth" verse) as well as mushroom spores themselves and then used as a growing agent for the latest batch of mushrooms. As the body broke down, the mushrooms would feed upon the decaying flesh and grow.
It isn’t just the ancient Egyptians, numerous other civilizations did likewise, perhaps most notably in Europe at a similar time are the Minoan civilization, whose approach, while drastically different, still revolves around the idea of the consumption of sacred mushrooms grown by feeding on the decaying flesh and sacred oils of the dead. And so, when consumed – whether directly or in potions or medicines – they would not only allow the wisdom and soul of the dead to enter their body but were in direct contact with them.
It isn’t just the ancient Egyptians, numerous other civilizations did likewise, perhaps most notably in Europe at a similar time are the Minoan civilization, whose approach, while drastically different, still revolves around the idea of the consumption of sacred mushrooms grown by feeding on the decaying flesh and sacred oils of the dead. And so, when consumed – whether directly or in potions or medicines – they would not only allow the wisdom and soul of the dead to enter their body but were in direct contact with them.
Incidentally, in more (by comparison) recent times, the Cathars, an orthodox Christian group who resided in the same region of France as the Knights Templars’ main strongholds during the same period, and were essentially hunted down and slaughtered in the name of The Inquisition amid charges of heresy during the thirteenth century, also performed very similar rituals and ceremonies as those highlighted above. Is this yet another clue, given the Cathars apparent following of “true” and the real teachings of Jesus, and perhaps such other secret societies as the Knights Templar and The Freemasons, if only to a select few “initiates” have their roots in ritual cannibalism and the Cults of the Dead?
Let's return to Sauniere for a moment and the 14th Station in his church that we have also examined previously. Might it not be the case that it is presenting us with a clue that Jesus was still alive as he was being moved by his followers after dark (Jewish law forbade contact with the deceased at night), but instead is telling us that his followers simply did not observe such laws as they, like Jesus, followed the ways of the secret mystery schools, and were, in fact, preparing his body for the growing of sacred foods? In fact, might it even be possible that the reasons for such religious laws in the first place was to forcibly, but discreetly, distance the population from such ceremonies as the Cults of the Dead?
Perhaps it is worth recalling the apparent rage that swept over the high-ranking Freemason, Albert Pike upon learning the final level and secret of Freemasonry. It is said by some that that secret is that the ultimate god is a combination of three gods, one of which is The Devil. Given what many state of Pike’s personality, would such a thing really send the high-ranking initiate into such a rage? Or might the secret have actually been something more in line with what we have examined here? It is certainly food for thought.
[Marcus Lowth October 2019]
Let's return to Sauniere for a moment and the 14th Station in his church that we have also examined previously. Might it not be the case that it is presenting us with a clue that Jesus was still alive as he was being moved by his followers after dark (Jewish law forbade contact with the deceased at night), but instead is telling us that his followers simply did not observe such laws as they, like Jesus, followed the ways of the secret mystery schools, and were, in fact, preparing his body for the growing of sacred foods? In fact, might it even be possible that the reasons for such religious laws in the first place was to forcibly, but discreetly, distance the population from such ceremonies as the Cults of the Dead?
Perhaps it is worth recalling the apparent rage that swept over the high-ranking Freemason, Albert Pike upon learning the final level and secret of Freemasonry. It is said by some that that secret is that the ultimate god is a combination of three gods, one of which is The Devil. Given what many state of Pike’s personality, would such a thing really send the high-ranking initiate into such a rage? Or might the secret have actually been something more in line with what we have examined here? It is certainly food for thought.
[Marcus Lowth October 2019]
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