Electromagnetic Frequencies, Bizarre Encounters, And Ancient Portals: The Mysteries Of Davelis Cave
Sometimes referred to as the Penteli Cave, Davelis Cave just outside of Athens in Greece is a location surrounded by bizarre activities and strange disturbances, including malfunctioning electronic equipment, strange glowing orbs, UFOs and strange creatures, water that “drips upwards”, ghostly voices appearing out of nowhere, and even rumors of satanic rituals. It is also a location with a long history. In fact, at one time it served as an ancient quarry that provided the marble used to construct the Parthenon.
Today the cave is almost hidden in plain sight, with a non-descript opening and surrounded by pine forests, with the only real indication that the location is something unique being a small church that sits near the entrance. Thought to have been built by Gnostic Christians at some point in the thirteenth century, this small place of worship is particularly interesting due to carvings on the walls that are not typically in sympathy with what might be expected in a Christian building of that time period.
The entrance of the cave leads into an entrance that stretches around 200 feet before opening out into a complicated tunnel system connecting to multiple chambers, including an underground water supply. Indeed, Davelis Cave is full of intrigue and mystery. It is also home to many legends and conspiracies.
The entrance of the cave leads into an entrance that stretches around 200 feet before opening out into a complicated tunnel system connecting to multiple chambers, including an underground water supply. Indeed, Davelis Cave is full of intrigue and mystery. It is also home to many legends and conspiracies.
Does It Contain An Ancient Portal?
Without a doubt, one of the most interesting and disturbing conspiracies connected to the Davelis Cave began in 1977 when a mystery military unit – who, incidentally, would never officially identify themselves - suddenly arrived and took control of the area. Guards patrolled the barbed-wire perimeters of the area, and the cave was made off-limits to the general public. The Greek magazine, Tachydromos reported this mysterious activity in their October 6th, 1977 edition.
Despite this, many locals took an interest in this suddenly arriving group, with many regularly getting as close as they could to the cave to monitor the strange activity. When military-style machinery and even explosives were witnessed being taken into the cave, rumors began to circulate that the unit was a multi-nation task force, likely being made up of Greek and United States military members, as well as any number of NATO countries.
Just what had attracted this sudden military interest remains unknown. Some people began to question whether the large amount of ancient crystal in the mountainous region, coupled with the long history stretching back to antiquity of strange powers attributed to the area, as well as the many paranormal encounters reported in the modern age had alerted the military, or the powers that controlled them, to the possibility of utilizing the energy within the cave to create – or recreate – some kind of portal. Further rumors even suggested that the US military intelligence had worked out a connection between the ancient cave and an undisclosed location in West Virginia in the United States.
Despite this, many locals took an interest in this suddenly arriving group, with many regularly getting as close as they could to the cave to monitor the strange activity. When military-style machinery and even explosives were witnessed being taken into the cave, rumors began to circulate that the unit was a multi-nation task force, likely being made up of Greek and United States military members, as well as any number of NATO countries.
Just what had attracted this sudden military interest remains unknown. Some people began to question whether the large amount of ancient crystal in the mountainous region, coupled with the long history stretching back to antiquity of strange powers attributed to the area, as well as the many paranormal encounters reported in the modern age had alerted the military, or the powers that controlled them, to the possibility of utilizing the energy within the cave to create – or recreate – some kind of portal. Further rumors even suggested that the US military intelligence had worked out a connection between the ancient cave and an undisclosed location in West Virginia in the United States.
Many local residents, and even those who came from further afield to see the mysterious goings-on of this equally mysterious group, would often attempt to enter the cave. All were quickly apprehended and bluntly escorted away from the area. Then, just as suddenly as they had arrived, in 1983 the entire unit simply packed up and abandoned the location. And what’s more, they appeared to have been in a great hurry when they did so, even leaving behind much of their equipment.
Almost immediately, curious residents began to enter the cave, eager to see just how strange the operation was that had been taking place inside for the previous six years. They would discover the remains of ruined tunnels and carved-out bunker-like chambers, some of which appeared unfinished as if they were halfway through completion when the cave was suddenly abandoned. Over the years, these tunnels began to be sealed by the authorities, leading to further questions of just what was being concealed in Davelis Cave (officially, the tunnels were sealed off for the “protection of the public”).
Almost immediately, curious residents began to enter the cave, eager to see just how strange the operation was that had been taking place inside for the previous six years. They would discover the remains of ruined tunnels and carved-out bunker-like chambers, some of which appeared unfinished as if they were halfway through completion when the cave was suddenly abandoned. Over the years, these tunnels began to be sealed by the authorities, leading to further questions of just what was being concealed in Davelis Cave (officially, the tunnels were sealed off for the “protection of the public”).
Why The Prolonged Military Interest?
Greek paranormal researcher, Giorgos Balanos, had been researching the paranormal activity on Penteli Mountain, including Davelis Cave, since the late 1960s. His research lasted over a decade and resulted in the book The Riddle Of Penteli, in which he documented many different oddities during the course of his research. For example, he reported that he took multiple pictures and even video footage while inside the cave. Upon viewing these pictures and footage, he would often see strange lights and shadows, things that weren’t there, or certainly not visible, at the time. He also stated that, at times, both himself and others he was with suffered from bizarre memory loss and utter confusion.
He also wrote about intricate tunnel networks, as well as the alleged activity of the NATO military unit. He made connections with the storage of nuclear weapons, as well as top-secret mind-control projects taking place inside Davelis Cave. In fact, in 1977, just before the arrival of the military unit in the area, Balanos was part of a television documentary about the mysteries of the Davelis Cave and the Penteli Mountain. The documentary, however, never aired, and only a short time later, the entrance to the cave was behind steel gates and barbed wire fencing.
He also wrote about intricate tunnel networks, as well as the alleged activity of the NATO military unit. He made connections with the storage of nuclear weapons, as well as top-secret mind-control projects taking place inside Davelis Cave. In fact, in 1977, just before the arrival of the military unit in the area, Balanos was part of a television documentary about the mysteries of the Davelis Cave and the Penteli Mountain. The documentary, however, never aired, and only a short time later, the entrance to the cave was behind steel gates and barbed wire fencing.
Writing in an article titled The Riddle of Pendeli’s Cave: A Never Ending Saga in December 2002, Thanassis Vempos stated that the situation around Davelis Cace was “total chaos” with “Greek Air Force, Navy, Army, various secret agencies, NATO and the Americans, various technical companies” all being involved, “but nobody was officially responsible”. Indeed, this “chaos”, it would seem, could well have been intentional. There was a brief burst of activity in the caves on the part of the Greek military in the summer of 1990. However, the press coverage of this activity was immediate and constant. And while no information as to why there had been a sudden military presence in the cave again was given, the activity was shut down and what project had been underway was seemingly abandoned.
We will return to these mysterious and potentially ominous activities, as well as why the project might have been wrapped up suddenly shortly. First, though, we will examine some of the other bizarre encounters said to have unfolded during this time.
We will return to these mysterious and potentially ominous activities, as well as why the project might have been wrapped up suddenly shortly. First, though, we will examine some of the other bizarre encounters said to have unfolded during this time.
Further Intriguing Incidents
Whether there was a portal inside Davelis case, ancient or otherwise, there are several intriguing encounters that took place in the region during the time it was occupied by this curious military unit.
According to one account, one particular afternoon during this time, a husband and wife were hiking in the region when they stumbled upon the cave’s entrance. However, more than the cave itself, what really captured their attention was a strange, mysterious car that had seemingly been parked on a ledge above the entrance. No matter how much they explored the terrain in the immediate area, they could not see how anyone had managed to drive the vehicle to its current location. It appeared to them as if someone – something – had dropped the car into place from above.
Partly out of curiosity and partly to maintain the same routine, the couple hiked past the cave’s entrance each day for several days. And each time they did so, they noticed the curious car parked in the same place. After several hikes into the area, the couple made the decision to find a way to the ledge and explore the vehicle more closely.
After climbing up to the ledge and approaching the car, they could see that it was in brand new condition as if it had come straight from the factory to where it now stood. Not only was the exterior pristine but there appeared to be no markings at all on tires, which there surely would have been if someone had negotiated the many dirt roads to reach the location.
According to one account, one particular afternoon during this time, a husband and wife were hiking in the region when they stumbled upon the cave’s entrance. However, more than the cave itself, what really captured their attention was a strange, mysterious car that had seemingly been parked on a ledge above the entrance. No matter how much they explored the terrain in the immediate area, they could not see how anyone had managed to drive the vehicle to its current location. It appeared to them as if someone – something – had dropped the car into place from above.
Partly out of curiosity and partly to maintain the same routine, the couple hiked past the cave’s entrance each day for several days. And each time they did so, they noticed the curious car parked in the same place. After several hikes into the area, the couple made the decision to find a way to the ledge and explore the vehicle more closely.
After climbing up to the ledge and approaching the car, they could see that it was in brand new condition as if it had come straight from the factory to where it now stood. Not only was the exterior pristine but there appeared to be no markings at all on tires, which there surely would have been if someone had negotiated the many dirt roads to reach the location.
Now, beyond curious, the husband approached the vehicle so he could look inside. As he did so, his wife let out a sudden piercing scream causing him to turn around and switch his focus back to her. Although he couldn’t see what had terrified his wife, he could see some kind of movement in the nearby bushes. After a few moments when she had gathered herself, she claimed she had seen a strange and menacing oval-shaped creature with a pair of large, red, glowing eyes. It had suddenly rushed out of the bushes toward her before retreating back into them a moment or two later.
Interestingly or not, several days later the husband had another terrifying encounter, witnessing a bizarre and distressing black disc-shaped object – an object that he claimed filled him with absolute dread for reasons he couldn’t quite explain. Incidentally, UFO sightings continue to be reported over the Penteli region, ranging from strange lights and orbs to more solid, nuts-and-bolts craft.
In more recent years there have been reports of strange symbols on the walls of the cave, as well as the imprint of a hand. Even stranger, many people state that these symbols “move” around the cave, with no sign that they had even been in their previous position. As well as the strange goings on, there have also been reports of satanic groups using the cave for satanic rituals, perhaps taping into the strange, otherworldly energy that exists there.
Interestingly or not, several days later the husband had another terrifying encounter, witnessing a bizarre and distressing black disc-shaped object – an object that he claimed filled him with absolute dread for reasons he couldn’t quite explain. Incidentally, UFO sightings continue to be reported over the Penteli region, ranging from strange lights and orbs to more solid, nuts-and-bolts craft.
In more recent years there have been reports of strange symbols on the walls of the cave, as well as the imprint of a hand. Even stranger, many people state that these symbols “move” around the cave, with no sign that they had even been in their previous position. As well as the strange goings on, there have also been reports of satanic groups using the cave for satanic rituals, perhaps taping into the strange, otherworldly energy that exists there.
Legends That Stretch Back To Ancient Times
It isn’t just in the modern era that strange goings-on and legends have been connected to Davelis Cave. For example, during the times of the ancient Greeks, the cave was dedicated to Pan, the God of Nature, something that the many inscriptions discovered inside the cave attest to.
As the centuries progressed many accounts of strange voices and the sudden appearance of shadow-like figures have surrounded Davelis Cave.
It was, though, during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries – perhaps, coincidentally or not – when the region became a focal point of those with an interest in the paranormal and the unexplained. Not only did people continue to report hearing strange voices coming from nowhere, but people began to report hearing mysterious music that appeared to come from the cave itself.
As the centuries progressed many accounts of strange voices and the sudden appearance of shadow-like figures have surrounded Davelis Cave.
It was, though, during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries – perhaps, coincidentally or not – when the region became a focal point of those with an interest in the paranormal and the unexplained. Not only did people continue to report hearing strange voices coming from nowhere, but people began to report hearing mysterious music that appeared to come from the cave itself.
Perhaps one of the strangest details of all reported by people who have ventured into this mysterious cave system is that all manner of technological devices seemingly falter and fail to work both inside the cave and anywhere in close proximity to it.
We might also consider the fact that in ancient times, marble was quarried from the cave and was used to build the Parthenon in Athens. It is very often the case that the marble used in many of the buildings of antiquity contained high amounts of crystal. While it is highly speculative, many researchers have put forward that the reason such materials were chosen was because this crystal content could be electrically charged and then manipulated – something that some researchers suggest those in the ancient world were perfectly aware of.
With all of this in mind, then, just what could be behind the truly strange and sometimes ominous goings-on at Davelis Cave?
Could it be something more scientific than supernatural?
We might also consider the fact that in ancient times, marble was quarried from the cave and was used to build the Parthenon in Athens. It is very often the case that the marble used in many of the buildings of antiquity contained high amounts of crystal. While it is highly speculative, many researchers have put forward that the reason such materials were chosen was because this crystal content could be electrically charged and then manipulated – something that some researchers suggest those in the ancient world were perfectly aware of.
With all of this in mind, then, just what could be behind the truly strange and sometimes ominous goings-on at Davelis Cave?
Could it be something more scientific than supernatural?
An Electromagnetic Anomaly?
One theory that has been put forward to account for the legends of antiquity and the conspiracies of the modern world is that some kind of electromagnetic energy exists here, an energy, perhaps, that is a naturally occurring energy field, or perhaps one that has been purposely tapped into and utilized.
Could it even be possible that these electromagnetic energy fields – whether naturally occurring or purposely manipulated – be responsible for opening some kind of portal or gateway to another world or realm of existence, perhaps allowing entities and powers entrance to our world?
Or might these electromagnetic disturbances cause people to see things that aren’t really there? Perhaps a hallucination that is mistaken for a shadowy being or a UFO? Or even a real, physical product of the human mind – something we will return to shortly.
What, though, if the truth of the matter is the latter prospect – that this otherworldly technology has been somehow utilized, or perhaps even manufactured? Were the military somehow alerted to this ancient technology or utilization of energy in the late 1970s, and did they then arrive to put the location off-limits so they could study and experiment with it?
Could it even be possible that these electromagnetic energy fields – whether naturally occurring or purposely manipulated – be responsible for opening some kind of portal or gateway to another world or realm of existence, perhaps allowing entities and powers entrance to our world?
Or might these electromagnetic disturbances cause people to see things that aren’t really there? Perhaps a hallucination that is mistaken for a shadowy being or a UFO? Or even a real, physical product of the human mind – something we will return to shortly.
What, though, if the truth of the matter is the latter prospect – that this otherworldly technology has been somehow utilized, or perhaps even manufactured? Were the military somehow alerted to this ancient technology or utilization of energy in the late 1970s, and did they then arrive to put the location off-limits so they could study and experiment with it?
We mentioned earlier that the secret military presence not only began to show lapses in security, but they seemingly abandoned the location suddenly.
Could it be that these sudden lapses in security and sudden vacating of the cave were much more planned out than we might think? Might those behind the sudden taking over of the cave have wanted to give the impression of loose security and then of leaving the cave altogether in order to entice onlookers toward the cave so they could become unwitting participants in some secret and mysterious experiment, possibly involved how electromagnetic energy could cause hallucinations?
According to a study carried out in 2002 by Georgios D Papadeas of the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration of Greece, while not necessarily endorsing theories and suggestions of military mind control experiments, the composition of the Penteli Mountain region – including Davelis Cave – is certainly relatively unique.
There is, for example, highly enriched graphite slate in between the layers of marble, something which makes the region a natural conductor of electromagnetic waves or energy. Furthermore, the marble itself can send out electrically charged energy waves under certain conditions. It is perhaps also interesting to note that many other locations of the ancient world, including the sites of ancient Egypt and ancient sites across South America, also feature high levels of marble crystal, perhaps telling us that those in antiquity, and possibly before that in the void that is pre-history were more than aware of the remarkable properties and potential of such material. And has this awareness arrived in various intelligence offices in our contemporary era?
Could it be that these sudden lapses in security and sudden vacating of the cave were much more planned out than we might think? Might those behind the sudden taking over of the cave have wanted to give the impression of loose security and then of leaving the cave altogether in order to entice onlookers toward the cave so they could become unwitting participants in some secret and mysterious experiment, possibly involved how electromagnetic energy could cause hallucinations?
According to a study carried out in 2002 by Georgios D Papadeas of the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration of Greece, while not necessarily endorsing theories and suggestions of military mind control experiments, the composition of the Penteli Mountain region – including Davelis Cave – is certainly relatively unique.
There is, for example, highly enriched graphite slate in between the layers of marble, something which makes the region a natural conductor of electromagnetic waves or energy. Furthermore, the marble itself can send out electrically charged energy waves under certain conditions. It is perhaps also interesting to note that many other locations of the ancient world, including the sites of ancient Egypt and ancient sites across South America, also feature high levels of marble crystal, perhaps telling us that those in antiquity, and possibly before that in the void that is pre-history were more than aware of the remarkable properties and potential of such material. And has this awareness arrived in various intelligence offices in our contemporary era?
Discreet Intelligence Experiments With The Human Mind?
There is, of course, another possibility to consider – that these strange manifestations are the product of the manipulated human mind. Perhaps, in ways we do not understand, the apparent electromagnetic energies that reside in and around the Davelis Cave alter the mind in such a way that they aid in the very real manifestation of all manner of strange creatures, objects, and events.
At this point is perhaps worth our time briefly examining the conspiracies of the CIA and the Montauk Chair. According to legends, the Montauk Chair was a project that revolved around attempts to create solid objects from the power of the human mind alone. Essentially, subjects would concentrate on an object – possibly under the influence of certain drugs and in various states and trances – and would imagine an object into existence through the power of thought.
At this point is perhaps worth our time briefly examining the conspiracies of the CIA and the Montauk Chair. According to legends, the Montauk Chair was a project that revolved around attempts to create solid objects from the power of the human mind alone. Essentially, subjects would concentrate on an object – possibly under the influence of certain drugs and in various states and trances – and would imagine an object into existence through the power of thought.
What is further interesting, especially when we consider the alleged mysterious activities of the equally mysterious military unit at Davelis Cave, are the legends from ancient Egypt of Ptah. According to ancient writings, Ptah would manifest the world into existence by the power of thought, and he would do this while sitting on a winged throne. Might we ask if the discreet agencies behind the alleged Montauk Chair experiments could be based on uncovered knowledge of the ancient world? And might the same be true for the speculative experiments at Davelis Cave?
With this, albeit tentative connection to ancient Egypt in mind, it is perhaps also interesting to note that Penteli Mountain – where the cave resides – is decidedly pyramid-shaped. If we accept that the shape of the pyramid itself allows for the greater flow of energy, perhaps it is not a coincidence that this cave is home to an abundance of strange goings-on, nor that enjoyed a lofty position in the ancient world.
With this, albeit tentative connection to ancient Egypt in mind, it is perhaps also interesting to note that Penteli Mountain – where the cave resides – is decidedly pyramid-shaped. If we accept that the shape of the pyramid itself allows for the greater flow of energy, perhaps it is not a coincidence that this cave is home to an abundance of strange goings-on, nor that enjoyed a lofty position in the ancient world.
The Recent Investigation Of Dimitrios Makridopoulos
One person who has always been drawn to this pyramid-shaped mountain, and in particular, Davelis Cave is Athens resident and computer technician, Dimitrios Makridopoulos. In January 2015, Makridopoulos and several friends took infrared cameras and a spirit box (a device used to talk with the spirits from the other side) to Penteli Mountain, and specifically, Davelis Cave.
As well as finding what he believes are pieces of machinery and devices left over from the alleged military experiments of the late 1970s, Makridopoulos also felt an immediate energy emanating from the cave. He recalled to Stav Dimitropoulos of the BBC:
As well as finding what he believes are pieces of machinery and devices left over from the alleged military experiments of the late 1970s, Makridopoulos also felt an immediate energy emanating from the cave. He recalled to Stav Dimitropoulos of the BBC:
“From the minute I stepped into this unspoilt and pure place, I became one with it. I was surrounded by an inexplicable, otherworldly energy…I felt eyes following my every move…I could not see or hear anything with my five senses, but I knew!”
Furthermore, during the visit, the computer technician captured some intriguing voice phenomena and video footage of a “pitch-black creature” moving near the entrance.
Four years after Makridopoulos’ research mission to Davelis Cave, Dimitropoulos himself ventured there. He stated that after “driving through the maze of Penteli’s slopes” they exited their car and set out on foot. Just short of half an hour later, they found themselves at the entrance to the infamous cave.
Four years after Makridopoulos’ research mission to Davelis Cave, Dimitropoulos himself ventured there. He stated that after “driving through the maze of Penteli’s slopes” they exited their car and set out on foot. Just short of half an hour later, they found themselves at the entrance to the infamous cave.
He recalled seeing a “concrete structure” near the entrance that had been built by the Greek military (was this connected to the alleged secret activity decades earlier?). Perhaps of more interest, he recalled feeling “an intense pull inside” the cave. He ventured inside, eventually coming to several tunnels. They had, however, been completely blocked up. He was later told by Makridopoulos that these were “the tunnels the NATO and Greek military concreted (over) to cover their tracks”.
Ultimately, while Dimitropoulos was uncertain of just what to make of the many claims surrounding Davelis Cave and Penteli Mountain, he is confident that he definitely “felt a gravitational pull towards the cave” when he was standing at the entrance, elaborating that as he stood there “a beam of light passed through the cave’s mouth and lit up the place, almost as if to guide me forward”. Perhaps we should make of that what we will.
Ultimately, while Dimitropoulos was uncertain of just what to make of the many claims surrounding Davelis Cave and Penteli Mountain, he is confident that he definitely “felt a gravitational pull towards the cave” when he was standing at the entrance, elaborating that as he stood there “a beam of light passed through the cave’s mouth and lit up the place, almost as if to guide me forward”. Perhaps we should make of that what we will.
An Important Archaeological Site That Became “A Matter Of National Security”
It is clear, then, that the entire Penteli Mountain region, and perhaps specifically, Davelis Cave, is one of the most intriguing, perplexing, and unsettling locations on the planet, something it would seem was not lost on the people of the ancient world, as well as the secretive military unit that arrived in the late 1970s. There was, it would seem, something very special about this place.
It is perhaps also interesting to note that among the many rumors surrounding Davelis Cave and the military interest there in the late 1970s and early eighties, one was that the project involved the storing of nuclear weapons. And this would make a certain amount of sense given the climate of the Cold War at the time and the Cave’s location in southern Europe. However, many experts in the storage of nuclear weapons state that the region is simply not conducive to that – something that also wouldn’t have been lost on those wanting to store such weapons.
Furthermore, we have to keep in mind that this location is one of profound archaeological interest and not one that would be destroyed (in places) in order to house a nuclear arsenal. Indeed, whatever the reason for the take over of the location for that 6-year period – a takeover that the Greek government allowed, were involved with and stated when asked about it that they couldn’t speak of it as it was “a matter of national security”, it had to be something quite exceptional. And what’s more, the notion of nuclear weapons being stored there, at least according to some, was nothing more than disinformation to provide a cover story for the real goings-on at Davelis Cave.
One thing is certain, the mysteries of Davelis Cave and the Penteli Mountains – both the strange phenomena witnessed there as well as the mysterious military interest in it - are some of the most intriguing on record, and just could prove to be of importance in unwrapping the wider mysteries of our reality.
The short videos below explore Davelis Cave a little further.
[Marcus Lowth March 2024]
It is perhaps also interesting to note that among the many rumors surrounding Davelis Cave and the military interest there in the late 1970s and early eighties, one was that the project involved the storing of nuclear weapons. And this would make a certain amount of sense given the climate of the Cold War at the time and the Cave’s location in southern Europe. However, many experts in the storage of nuclear weapons state that the region is simply not conducive to that – something that also wouldn’t have been lost on those wanting to store such weapons.
Furthermore, we have to keep in mind that this location is one of profound archaeological interest and not one that would be destroyed (in places) in order to house a nuclear arsenal. Indeed, whatever the reason for the take over of the location for that 6-year period – a takeover that the Greek government allowed, were involved with and stated when asked about it that they couldn’t speak of it as it was “a matter of national security”, it had to be something quite exceptional. And what’s more, the notion of nuclear weapons being stored there, at least according to some, was nothing more than disinformation to provide a cover story for the real goings-on at Davelis Cave.
One thing is certain, the mysteries of Davelis Cave and the Penteli Mountains – both the strange phenomena witnessed there as well as the mysterious military interest in it - are some of the most intriguing on record, and just could prove to be of importance in unwrapping the wider mysteries of our reality.
The short videos below explore Davelis Cave a little further.
[Marcus Lowth March 2024]

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